Estimated Pricing

How Much Will My Procedure Cost?

At First Texas Hospital we are committed to helping patients better understand the cost implications of the care they receive. On this page you will find a chargemaster, a comprehensive listing of the charges for inpatient and outpatient services provided by our hospital.

The chargemaster provides a list of charges for the various elements of patient care that may be present on the patient's bill. These charges are the baseline rates that First Texas Hospital charges for services provided at this hospital.

These costs are based on hospital charges for anticipated routine care and recovery, taking into consideration insurance coverage, co-payments, deductibles, coinsurance, outstanding prior balances and other items that may affect personal out-of-pocket costs.

First Texas Hospital Chargemaster

Actual charges on your final hospital bill may vary from the prices listed, based on your medical condition, unknown circumstances or complications, final diagnosis, and recommended treatment ordered by the attending physician(s).

Patients with insurance should contact their health benefits administrator for the most accurate information regarding plan structure, deductibles, co-payments and any other factors that might affect your personal liability for anticipated health care services.

Government insurance plans such as Medicare and Medicaid do not pay the chargemaster rates, but rather have their own set rates which hospitals, including First Texas Hospital, are obligated to accept.

Patients without commercial insurance or not covered by a government health care plan, who are looking to receive non-emergency services, should contact the hospital prior to a procedure to discuss charges, alternative pricing, and payment terms.

Costs cover hospital charges only, and do not include professional fees for services provided by a physician, surgeon, radiologist, pathologist, anesthesiologist, nurse practitioner or other independent practitioner. Even though physicians and other independent practitioners are members of the First Texas Hospital medical staff, they are neither employees nor agents of the hospital. You will receive a separate bill for all such professional fees. Physicians or other practitioners who provide professional services may not be “in-network” with your health benefit plan.

The chargemaster rates are updated from time-to-time to accurately reflect the hospital’s expenses to operate.