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Cialis (Generic) is a drug that is primarily intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The active ingredient, tadalafil, improves the quality and stability of an erection and allows a man to have sexual intercourse, as well as get new sensations from sex. Products containing tadalafil are similar in their work to Viagra (Generic): they stimulate an erection during sexual arousal, the only difference is in the period of exposure.

Where to Buy Cialis (Tadalafil) 20mg Without a Prescription?

How does the drug work?

After taking the tablet orally, Cialis (Generic) is absorbed in the stomach under the action of gastric juice. The active ingredients of the drug, through an extensive network of arteries and vessels, reach the desired places, the so-called corpora cavernosa, the largest number of which are found in the penis. Under the influence of a nerve impulse from the brain, which occurs during natural sexual desire, the smooth muscles of the penis relax.

Against the background of Cialis (Generic), this process is much more active, the size and density of the sexual organ are fixed at the achieved level, and excitement and conscious desire are observed. The effect of one tablet can sometimes last up to two days. That is, if the user takes the pill in the morning, he will be able to have sex even in the evening of the next day. But, it is important to know that if there is no natural arousal, Cialis (Generic) will not cause a spontaneous erection; this is a myth born among ordinary people.

Mechanism of operation of Cialis (Generic)

The principle of action of tadalafil is due to its ability to block the enzyme PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5), the concentration of which is especially high in the delicate organs of the genitals. This enzyme prevents smooth muscle relaxation. Tadalafil inhibits its work and opens the way for the penetration of another substance - nitric oxide, which, in turn, leads to vasodilation and blood supply to the cavernous bodies. This ultimately promotes erection.

Instructions for use

Cialis (Generic) is taken orally. The tablets are coated. Doctors recommend taking the tablet whole with a moderate amount of water. The use of the drug does not depend on food intake: you can take the tablet both before and after meals.

If you have erectile dysfunction, consult your doctor before using Cialis! After examination and necessary tests, the specialist will determine the course of treatment. He will need to take into account:


If your goal is to increase the pleasure of sexual intercourse, then take the drug in the amount of one 10-20 mg tablet per day 30-40 minutes before sexual intercourse. The effect of a single use lasts up to 36 hours. The daily dose of the drug should be no more than one tablet.

Middle-aged men are recommended to take 20 mg of the drug 20 minutes before sexual activity.

For older men there is no strictly defined dosage. It is recommended to follow doses intended for middle-aged men. It is not recommended to take the drug under 18 years of age:Erection stimulation drugs are intended only for adult men.

If you suffer from liver or kidney diseases, the functions of these organs are impaired, 20 mg of tadalafil per day is the maximum dosage for you. It is usually recommended to start with 10 mg. To determine the exact dosage, be sure to consult your doctor!

In most cases, Cialis (Generic) has positive reviews from doctors and patients. The drug does not require restrictions, such as quitting smoking, caffeine, or alcohol. No special diet is required.

People suffering from cardiovascular diseases should be careful, although tadalafil does not have a direct effect on the myocardial muscles, we recommend that you consult a cardiologist before taking it.